Heartfelt coaching for adults with ADHD

Hi, I’m Holly. I’m a specialist coach for adults with ADHD.

I support people to understand their ADHD brain, connect with their authentic selves, and empower themselves to manage their ADHD effectively with new coping strategies and long-term skills.

I'm here to partner with you on a journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and growth, helping you tap into the strengths that come with your unique brain wiring and live a more fulfilling life.

I know firsthand the daily struggles, overwhelm, and frustration that can arise when living with ADHD.

However, I also know the immense joy, creativity, and resilience that individuals with ADHD possess.

Together, we will navigate the challenges and embrace the opportunities that come with an ADHD brain.


Come with an open mind and answer questions honestly - you can be surprised by what you learn.”

Talking to a coach with ADHD can help you…

Know Yourself

How much do you understand your particular flavour of ADHD?

Learn about your unique brain wiring, its strengths and challenges. When it comes to ADHD we have to name it to tame it!

Embrace Yourself

On average, ADHDers receive 20,000 more critical messages before age 12.

Tell your story to a fellow ADHDer, in a safe space. Practice self-compassion and shift your perspective away from stigma.

Empower Yourself

ADHDers have interest-based nervous systems, so connecting with your authentic self is crucial.

Find bespoke strategies that get you out of your own way. Build a life around your values, interests and strengths.

Ready to take the next step?

If you're interested in seeing if we’d be a good fit, you can book a free Zoom call with me at a time that suits you.

How would you like to be coached for FREE?

Are you employed or self-employed and live in England or Wales?

Most working ADHDers are eligible for getting the cost of ADHD Coaching covered by the government’s Access to Work scheme!


I love having a coach with ADHD because I don’t have to explain my thought process. Sometimes that is half the battle!